About Us
THE PURPLE CIRCLE symbolizes the upper echelon in the show arena. Attention is focused on producers and show persons of championship cattle, hogs, sheep and goats: hence the “Purple” in our title. The “Circle” in our title proclaims the unity and solidarity that livestock people share as we aim for excellence in our enterprises.
“Livestock people” encompass a broad spectrum of ages. Parents and children, leaders and youth, experienced and inexperienced assume a purpose and a role in selecting, caring for, and showing livestock. In the era of everyone “doing his or her own thing” the 4-H, FFA and open class show arena are some of the last bastions of family solidarity. We are confident that The Purple Circle will exert a positive influence in strengthening the family circle.
The Purple Circle will serve as a showcase and a public arena from which people from coast to coast can acknowledge winners from other areas of the country. The Purple Circle will attend national and regional livestock shows, state fairs and other shows as time permits, striving to keep you informed of news and trends in show circuits and helping you to become better acquainted with your colleagues in the livestock realm.
We welcome comments and suggestions from our readers and strive for excellence and the distinction of being in the “purple circle” of livestock publications and educational tools.